Prep Wash & Thinner

Use to thin EASY SEAL Concrete Stain/Sealer
Also used as a solvent wash
Available in 500 ml & 4 litres

EASY SEAL Prep Wash & Thinner is to be used to thin EASY SEAL Concrete Stain/Sealer.It is also used as a solvent wash for re-activating existing sealer prior to a maintenance coat and surface disruption, and is suitable as a cleaner for brushes and equipment after using EASY SEAL Concrete Stain Sealer.
Solvent Washing
For use before applying maintenance coatings, resealing existing old sealed surfaces and surfaces which have problems with surface disruption. From our experience, in some cases sealing disruptions may be solved using a solvent wash procedure. Solvent washing can increase the success of a re-seal by reactivating the existing sealer to assist with bonding of any new sealer. Refer to detailed information in the solvent washing tech data sheet below.
Trial of small area
Always perform a preliminary test patch of approximately 50 x 50 cm to an affected area to determine the effectiveness
Some sealing disruptions may reappear again after 3 months for Clear as the affected sealer continues to cure (expelling the solvent re-introduced to it).