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Prep Wash & Thinner

Easy Seal Prep Wash.png
  • Use to thin EASY SEAL Concrete Stain/Sealer

  • Also used as a solvent wash

  • Available in 500 ml & 4 litres

New Zealand Made

EASY SEAL Prep Wash & Thinner is to be used to thin EASY SEAL Concrete Stain/Sealer.It is also used as a solvent wash for re-activating existing sealer prior to a maintenance coat and surface disruption, and is suitable as a cleaner for brushes and equipment after using EASY SEAL Concrete Stain Sealer.


Solvent Washing

For use before applying maintenance coatings, resealing existing old sealed surfaces and surfaces which have problems with surface disruption. From our experience, in some cases sealing disruptions may be solved using a solvent wash procedure. Solvent washing can increase the success of a re-seal by reactivating the existing sealer to assist with bonding of any new sealer. Refer to detailed information in the solvent washing tech data sheet below.


Trial of small area


Always perform a preliminary test patch of approximately 50 x 50 cm to an affected area to determine the effectiveness


Some sealing disruptions may reappear again after 3 months for Clear as the affected sealer continues to cure (expelling the solvent re-introduced to it).

Easy Seal SDS
Easy Seal Instructions
For use before applying maintenance coatings
This process is done using EASY SEAL Prep Wash & Thinner which is a formulated blend of solvents that provides exceptional results reactivating the existing sealer coat to accept the new sealer better.  

To help with re-seals and surface disruptions of problem sealed surfaces
From our experience we have found in some cases sealing disruptions maybe solved using a solvent wash procedure using EASY SEAL Prep Wash & Thinner. Solvent washing also greatly increases the successful outcome of a re-seal by re-activating the existing sealer to accept the new sealer better.    

As explained the idea of the solvent wash procedures is to reactivate the sealer present on the surface in an effort to allow any disruption present to dissipate. Employing this procedure earlier in the sealer’s life provides the best chance of success.  

The solvent wash procedure is also used to address problem disruptions such as surface bubbling, moisture entrapment, solvent entrapment and early onset delamination.  

Trial of small area
Always perform a preliminary test patch of approximately 50cm x 50cm to an affected area in order to determine the effectiveness of the following procedure for your application.  Some sealing disruptions may reappear again after 3 months (especially with clear) as the affected sealer continues to cure (expelling the solvent reintroduced to it). Where the solvent wash is not effective there is little option left but to strip the existing sealer and reapply. If you need to take this action, please ask the supplier to confirm with the manufacturer.  

Apply using a broom to work the surface with EASY SEAL Prep Wash & Thinner into the sealed surface. Thoroughly work a limited area (suggest 1 sq m) at a time.  

To be effective you must ensure the area is sufficiently wetted with EASY SEAL Prep Wash & Thinner, working the thinner into the surface with some pressure in a circular motion and continue to rework the same selected area until reactivation (you can see the sealer moving) of the sealer is achieved.  

Allow the area to dry 24 hours and if disruption is corrected then refer to re-sealing instructions if required. If disruption is still evident, stripping of the existing sealer maybe required.  

Coloured sealer can also be applied over Clears as a solution. If disruption is still evident. stripping of existing sealer may be required as a last resort.  

Note: Do not leave rags or cleaning fabrics “screwed up” (spontaneous combustion may occur). Rinse thoroughly in detergent and water mix and hang out to dry to re-use.  

The information concerning the use and application of EASY SEAL CONCRETE STAIN/SEALER is supplied in good faith
, based on our experience and tests. However, subject to our standard Terms & Conditions of Sale (available on request) and any implied terms, conditions, or warranties imposed by the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 the recommendations and suggestions herein are made without guarantee, as application conditions are out of our control. Adequate tests should be made to ensure product or recommendations suitability. We reserve the right to alter product or specification without notice.    

"There shall be no right of redress against the manufacturer under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 in respect of goods which fail to comply with any express guarantees made by the manufacturer in relation to the information contained herein where the goods have failed for reasons beyond the control of the manufacturer”.  
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