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Durable, protective, innovative water based penetrating timber decking stain.  


Deckmax’s leading edge oleoresinous/acrylic tribrid technology has been used to formulate this decking stain. This binder technology ensures Deckmax stain has the combined properties of penetration of the timber, film hardness to protect walk-on surfaces and shorter touch dry time.    Deckmax contains mould inhibitors. These “semi-transparent” colours utilise UV resistant pigments and retain the natural grain of timber.  Deckmax has a low sheen finish.  


Pine timber decks, hardwood* timber decks, outdoor furniture, fences, houses. Deckmax can be used on new and weathered timber decks as well as previously stained or oiled timber decks – please refer to “Preparation” before use. 


Semi-transparent Colours:  See Colour Chart

Note:  Always colour test first to check your choice of Deckmax colour gives the result you want on the actual timber you are staining. Wet colour will darken once dry. 

All timber surfaces: - Must be clean, dry and free from dirt, mould, mildew, grease, oil and other contaminants. - Ideally all timber surfaces need good absorption to enable Deckmax to penetrate. - If mould or mildew is present, pre-treat the timber surfaces in advance with Prepmax and leave for at least 2 weeks, then remove any dead material by scraping, scrubbing or sanding. Re-clean the surface with Prepmax before application of Deckmax. Prior to application of Deckmax clean and treat all timber surfaces with Prepmax Timber Clean & Prep following label instructions. 

New Pine:   New decking timber should be weathered for 8 weeks. Clean and treat with Prepmax before the application of Deckmax.  Note:  Shiny (mill glazed) machined timber surfaces should be sanded to allow penetration.


New Hardwood*:  We recommend hardwood timbers be weathered for 12 or more weeks before the application of Deckmax. This is to assist with the removal of oily tannins and opens the fibres to aid penetration. Rinsing with water several times over this period is beneficial in addition to the use of Prepmax to prepare the surface.


Weathered Pine & Hardwoods:  If the natural wood grain is to be restored, badly weathered and greyed timber may require sanding back to a clean sound surface. Clean and treat with Prepmax before the application of Deckmax. Previously Stained & Oiled Timber:  Clean and treat with PREPMAX or if a more natural wood grain look is required, it may be necessary to sand back to bare timber followed by cleaning and treating with Prepmax before the application of DECKMAX.  


To remove paint or other coatings back to a bare surface, a combination of paint remover and sanding should be used followed by Prepmax. When sanding is required, sand with the timber grain to minimise sanding marks and for larger areas use of a sanding drum or belt is suggested. For coarse sanding use 80-120 grit and smooth use 180-240 grit paper.


Notes:  Heavy water blasting is not recommended as it can “fluff” the timber surface, use a low-medium pressure wash down and/or scrubbing.


Deckmax is not recommended to be used on bamboo products

Apply on a fine day. Avoid application if rain is forecast within 24 hours or if the temperature is below 10°C. If applied to hot surfaces, difficult application may be experienced due to rapid evaporation.


Stir well before use with a wide flat stirrer in a circulating “bottom to top” motion.  


Apply with a good quality brush or applicator pad.


Two coats are recommended to give greater durability and protection to the timber.


Apply liberally along the entire length of boards at a time to avoid lapping joins. Work stain well into any crevasses in the timber. Apply only as much stain as the timber will readily absorb. It is good practice to apply a full coat to the board ends and edges where practicable.


Note:  If the project requires more than one pail of product (especially different batches) it is good practice to add some of the new pail to the last of the old pail during application to ensure colour uniformity. 



The 1st coat must be touch dry and tack free enough to walk on before recoating. When applying Deckmax to previously sealed/stained surfaces or Hardwood timbers, it is recommended to leave overnight between coats to ensure the 1st coat does not soften when recoated. Absorbent surfaces such as softwoods (Pine) or well weathered timber may be able to be recoated after a minimum of 2 hours. This varies with timber absorbency, temperature and humidity. 


Drying & Curing Time:

Deckmax continues to harden and toughen over several days. Allow as long as practical, ensuring a minimum of 24 hours before light foot traffic.  


On previously sealed/stained surfaces or Hardwood timbers, dry time will be longer.  


Drying and curing times depend upon timber absorbency, temperature and humidity. 

Deckmax’s innovative formulation allows for water clean-up. Wash equipment with cold water, then to remove any oleoresinous residue, rinse with hot, soapy water eg laundry detergent.  


Cleaning rags or paper soaked with linseed oil can spontaneously combust when “bunched up”. Hang or spread out rags to dry before disposal according to your local council regulations.


Protect our Environment – When disposing of leftover liquid, keep out of stormwater drains and waterways.  Take to a local hazardous waste disposal station. Dry all empty containers in a well ventilated area. Dispose of the empty containers according to your local council regulations. 


Exterior timber stains require moderate maintenance. Reapply when the timber surface shows signs of heavy weathering. New hardwood surfaces may require an early recoat due to limited absorption of the initial application. 

Gloss Level:
Low sheen.


Theoretical Coverage:

Allow 6-8 square metres per litre per coat depending on the texture and absorbency of the timber. Rough surfaces use more product. .

Application Temperature:


Shelf Life:

Store in cool conditions, away from direct sunlight. Under normal conditions full containers can be stored for several years. Check contents before use. 

Specific Gravity:
Approximately 1 (varies slightly with colour) = 1 kg/litre.


Sizes available:

Deckmax is supplied in 4 and 10 litre plastic containers.  Test pots are also available. 

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PO Box 16017, Hornby, Christchurch 8441, New Zealand.

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